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Well i noticed that the shock mounts on the 8.25 are different than the stock d35 diff i have in the truck now. The stockers both mount to the rear of the diff and the 8.25s are one to the front and one to the rear of the diff. Anyone know if its better to remount them so both are in the rear or if i should try to move the mount on the truck to accept the one forward mount of the diff? Ill do what ever is best for flexing out if that helps. Thanks Zag

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I'm going back in SOA. Which leads me to an other question lol. Looks like the axle tubes are larger on the 8.25 and probably means i can't use the u-bolt plates either? Will i have to make new ones? I do kinda plan on cutting the old XJ shock mounts off and relocating them near the perches to keep them near the stock location. Or should i find a way to fab shock mounts onto my new u-bolt plates on top of the axle now?

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MJ U-bolt plates ARE the shock mounts. Cut off the XJ shock mounts and forget them.


Its is very necessary to move the perches. Not only are XJs SOA while MJs are SUA, they are not at the same width. Putting an XJ axle on with the perches in the XJ position can damage your springs, shackles, and put your life in danger.

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On a Comanche, the shock mounts are integrated into the u bolt plates. This way they can be both pointed forward (long bed) or rearward (short bed) by switching the plates left to right)


On a Cherokee the shock mounts are welded to the axle tube, one facing forward, the other backward, and both at the wrong place between the diff end the wheel.



Cherokee is SOA, Comanche is SUA.


Stock Cherokee axle can not be used as is to go SOA on a Comanche because the perches are spaced the wrong distance apart.


U bolt plates:

D35 has 2 5/8" axle tubes, I believe D44 is 2 3/4", 8.25" is 3". The U bolt plates may or may not work.


If you are going SOA, cut the perches and shock mounts off the 8.25" and have new ones welded on. If you weld shock mounts to the axle and don't need them on the u bolt plates, you can use stock Cherokee plates for the new axle. Don't forget new u bolts and nuts.



I myself used anti wrap perches and shock mounts from RuffStuff Specialties, Cherokee u bolts plates and made to order u bolts from a local shop (Dover Brake in Strasburg, OH). They make u bolts to your specs while you wait. Usually ~5 minutes.

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