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I popped the cherry on my Mj


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yup, first time stuck. i had been to this ditch several times on my trail. each time the coin toss telling me no, don't do it. well i went back for a third time, flipped the coin, still no. i knew i couldnt make it but i still sat there and thought, whats life if your not living it and dropped in. two hours later and I'm free jamminz.gif

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You just gave me a very bad idea.


There's a creek just like this that runs through my Dads property. I know I'll try it eventually, but I may wait for the water to go down a bit. It's probably about the same depth as in the picture right now. I'll probably wait until we're finished building the bridge too so I've got someone on the other side if (when) I need them.

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:rotf: damn and i thought i was getting off easy with this one




and go for it Vintage! it might be a breeze to get through. i walked across that one (waders) and the water wasnt too deep, its the goopy @$$ mud that sucked me down. i ended up pushing a wall of mud/leaves into a dip that stopped me dead. still worth it though

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