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loose starter bolts????

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So I was having that rubbing sound problem a few weeks ago. Well I finally was able to get some time to work on it and the starter motor was so loose I am wondering if that could have been the culprit. Once again it only makes the rubbing noise while in gear. clutch grabs fine. i pulled starter off and a small three hole bracket fell off too, not sure if its just a spacers or what. Would the starter rub on the flywheel or pressure plate if loose while only doing it in gear?

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no i havent put the starter back in yet. I am wondering if the flywheel spins while the tranny is in neutral like while drifting down the driveway. or does it only spin while the tranny is in gear and spinning. My thoughts are if nothing spins while in neutral its that the starter was loose if it does spin then i have more problems.

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well i see nothing loose or broke through the starter hole that could be causing my rubbing problem i am going to throw the starter on and see what happens. I am hoping it was the loose starter that had somethin to do with the rubbing noise

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this thing is driving me nuts here goes the most up to date testing........... I have the back wheels off the ground the drive shaft doesnt spin while in gear although the back wheels do (I thought the wheels wouldnt spin) and everything spis in neutral noise is only in gear short of the tranny being messed up somehow I'm not sure. I really want to find out the problem but I donot want to pull the tranny :fs1: i feel the clunking in the pedal assembly when it happens I am not sure maybe its the u joints?????

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