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Leak under dashboard

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I didn't notice this until I took the carpet out. When it rains heavily I have a leak under the dashboard and depending on which way the truck may be leaning determines which side the water will leak on. Mostly, it's the passenger side but every once in a while it's the driver's side. I've seen it run down the front of the foot well about 4 inches from the outside panel.


I'm suspicious that the new windshield wasn't sealed well. I say new, it was replaced about 3 years ago. No idea how long it's been leaking because of the carpet.


What are the normal things to check for that sort of leak?

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When we rebuilt my son's jeep we ended up removing all the items that went through the firewall (including the plugs that just covered the extra holes) and then sealing them with black RTV when we put them back. That solved 99 percent of the leaks, but there was still a small leak and I suspected that the pinch weld inside the windshield wiper motor housing was leaking as well. A little more RTV and so far no more leaks!


I have to say, we never did figure out exactly what was leaking...the leaks were probably starting in one spot and then running out somewhere else (where we found them). When I say we removed everything from the firewall, I mean even the steering column and the brake booster as well.


Good Luck!

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I found a couple nagging leaks in my trucks using baby powder. sprinkle it around in the suspect areas and the water will make little tracks through it. then you just follow the tracks backwards to help narrow down the location. :thumbsup:

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I'm suffering from the same problem. I've followed the leak all the way to the top corner of the firewall on the driverside. This doesn't help me much, is it the windshield or the windshield motor compartment (of which you can't see in)? Talked to a glass company and they told me to bring it in for a pressure test to see if it is actually the windshield seal. This is my next step, maybe you could check around for this test also.

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