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Whacked out Alignment....?

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Alright I installed my bumper tie-in brackets this afteroon and everything went smoothly. Anyway now that everything was tightened up my alignmet is all screwed up, it seems the LF tire is toed way out. I did a quick measurement with a friend and only got 1/8" toe-in difference. I straightend the steering wheel via the drag link as well. Would just unbolting and re bolting the Power steering pump throw an alignmet off that bad if at all?.....Its really no biggie, ill take it to the local shop on Monday but this just confused me.


Either way I now have a usuable and reliable recovery point on the front of the MJ :yes:

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Toe-in (or toe-out) is the difference in track between the front of the tire and the back of the tire. You can't have ONE wheel toed in or out.


If you unbolted the steering box, did you mount something between it and the frame? If so, you moved the box and changed the effective length of the drag link. That doesn't change the toe-in, it just changes the centering of the steering wheel.


{EDIT] Wait -- you unbolted the power steering PUMP? The pump isn't in any way connected to the steering or suspension. Unbolting the pump could not possibly affect your alignment.

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Well I stopped by the Shop on my way back 2 work and mentioned that spacer to them and to check it out. The truck is finished and will be picked up in the morning, they said I missed a steering bolt :hmm: So idk but as long as its aligned and tight I'm not gonna worry about it...ill give it a once over when it returns tomorrow either way :thumbsup:

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