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Why are you flying your flag upside down?

That's the question I have been getting the last few days from family, friends, neighbors, even a county deputy. By the way I would like to thank the military veteran who had them check on my family and me, thank you for your service to our county and for understanding what the flag signal is for. For those of you who don’t know what an upside down American flag means. The upside down U.S. flag is an official signal of distress. It is not meant to be, and is not officially recognized as any type of disrespect when so displayed for the right reasons. To the contrary, here is the relevant part of the US Code of Laws regarding how to fly the flag when in distress:


Title 36, U.S.C., Chapter 10

As amended by P.L. 344, 94th Congress

Approved July 7, 1976


§ 176. Respect for flag: No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.

(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

Why am I flying a distress signal…?

Our country, our republic is in extreme danger. For years we have been on a slippery slope of losing or freedoms and liberty’s but in the last year it is like it’s on a fast track. With bail out bills, TARP, stimulus packages an ever growing government. And our representatives in Washington don’t listen they think they know what’s best instead of what we think the ones who pay them… 50% of America said NO!!! To all this, Dc said who cares what the people think the government knows best….

Now we have another nail in the coffin of or freedoms. On December 24th the government passed the unconstitutional healthcare reform 62% of America said NO! To this and again our reps in Dc said who cares what you think. Now you have to by law have a health care plan or pay a fine of $750-2500 for not having it, that also includes all of those of you who are unemployed, you just get a tax credit of $3000 that’s a low ball for one person $250 a month by the way you have to pay this back. Oh there is that over 400+ billion cut from Medicare and Medicaid …. Looks like grandma can forget about that hip replacement. By the way you start paying NOW for this but it doesn’t kick in till 2014. What are they going to do next? Is America in distress and are Americans in extreme danger of life and property?…I SAY YES!

This is why I’m flying my flag upside down and will continue to.

I would like you to do this to, if you got a flag go hang it upside down were they will see it and when they ask tell them why, get a flag bumper sticker put it upside down on your vehicle tell your family and friends to do the same…MAKE THIS GO VIRAL… tell them in Dc “This is it you crossed the line”.

:USAflag: soapbox.gif :USAflag:

Copied from Craigs List

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I see where that cat is coming from, but as with anything, I believe he took the written words out of context.


I fly the flag upright. Sure, I don't like what is happening on the hill, but I believe in America and the people will pull through these times and prevail.

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I hate anything political and really thought long and hard B4 posting that. But dern it, i love this country and hate seeing it go down hill. I spent 13-1/2 years in the military, airborne inf and The Corps. Saw to many good men,many of them not even old enough to drink, legally, pay the price for our freedom to see it squandered by the snob elite, . Gonna wear this soap box out getting on an off it.


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The only light I can see at the end of the tunnel is this Health Care Bill might finally be the thing that wakes America up.

If it doesn't, I guess we deserve it. :(


Either way, I fly a flag on my home, and my vehicles, and couldn't bring myself to fly any of them upside down.


I completely understand the intent of the CL post, and the one here,

but to me I can't get beyond seeing it as disrespectful to the country, and the flag.


I never served,

and I respect your service to this contry,

but I would take my flag down before I could flip it upside down.

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The only light I can see at the end of the tunnel is this Health Care Bill might finally be the thing that wakes America up.

If it doesn't, I guess we deserve it. :(


Either way, I fly a flag on my home, and my vehicles, and couldn't bring myself to fly any of them upside down.


I completely understand the intent of the CL post, and the one here,

but to me I can't get beyond seeing it as disrespectful to the country, and the flag.


I never served,

and I respect your service to this contry,

but I would take my flag down before I could flip it upside down.


Well said. :USAflag:


Rob L.

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To prevent any mis understanding I would never fly the flag inverted. I only made the post because of the message it contained. And I think proving a point. That is men can dis agree and nobody takes up arms or calling names. I agree with Automan, JpnJim put it very well.


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When I was attending The University of Madrid, San Sebastion Spain working on my PhD In European history I was particularly interested in the many ways mankind has thru out the ages showed their disapproval of tyranical oppressive governments. Starting with Cain doing in Abel to show his displeasure of his parents, down thru the ages to modern times where we had Monks emulating themselves and students burning the American flag to flying the flag upside down. At least I prefer that to burning it. I started this thread without thinking of where it would lead. IT has gotten some good responses and i hope people thinking. However in retrospect I think it is to political for this site. I am asking for you folks to not post any more replies and let's let it just fade out into the background. Wish I cud type as gooder as I cun spell. Jim

:USAflag: image_209027.gifsoapbox.gifimage_209027.gif :USAflag:

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