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So, in the mostly uneventful saga that is my life... I recently moved out of the apartment I was in, since, well, they kinda sold the place on me. I had a good opportunity to rent a room off a co-worker who had a decent (if small) house, with a nice detached garage. Perfect. Fast forward about 6 weeks into this. He tells me he's going to quit (various reasons, can't really blame him) and move away, so the house is going to be for sale... Great, not interested in buying since the future of my own job is somewhat murky, otherwise it could have been an excellent opportunity. However, I could continue to stay there at the same rental agreement, so basically I had the whole place to myself for the sake of keeping it clean and putting up with a looky-loos. Besides, I figured the housing market wasn't that great, most people shy away from buying in winter, etc, so maybe if spring rolled around and it was still on the market and things were looking better at work, that I could buy it then if I felt like it...


Nope. He texted me at 11:45 tonight, she's sold. It's been on the market since Tuesday last week. And I have to be out by the 15th of December... Yeah.




The good news is I own almost nothing, so moving is very easy. Where I'm going next, I don't know, but I'm sure I can enjoy a cold beer there just the same.

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Want to move to WI?? :yes:


No... :roll: My training isn't valid there (yet). And I still have my job here! Not to mention they probably wouldn't give me a green card, can't have the :Canadaflag: trash stealing all your jobs.


want to move to hamltin on.

i know a guy there that rents out a room for $100 a week


I was paying $500 a month, so $125 a week. It was a good deal to start with, even better when he decided to move out... Too bad it didn't last. Oh, while my training is valid in Hamilton, I can't see myself living there. Okay, I've never been there, so I probably shouldn't pass judgment yet. Nah, I can, not interested.


Whatcha doing with the Cherokee project? :eek:


It's safe, don't worry; it was never at this house... It's about 450 miles south of here right now. However, I do have another 'spare' automobile here, which I'll have to move (serious complication, since my trailer is with the XJ, and I don't have a good place to store either here).

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That sucks dude. I have been in a similiar situation before. I live in an upstairs apartment, and the land lady had the house for sale. Well after she collected the next months rent, she told me 2 days later that I had till the end of the month to get out, and this was in December. I pointed out to the owner that I had a sixty day clause in my lease and told her whay she was doing was illegal. Long story short I found a place to live, and she refunded december's rent to insure I was out that month.

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Things lile this usually work out for the better. You'll probally find a nice place with a heated garage for cheap. What is a looky-loos :???:



I doubt I'll do better than I was... The detached garage was oh, 30x20ish, gas heat, and I wasn't paying the bills for the gas or electricity... And my roommate had no real projects, just a street bike.


A looky-loo (and no, I doubt I am spelling that correctly if there is actually a correct spelling) is somebody who is wandering around looking at things. IE, the people the realtors would drag through, despite them most likely having no intention to buy. I also apply the term to tourists.


As of now, my plan is to move in with some of my greasy friends; since I'm in a hurry at this point. It's not ideal. The place looks like a crack house, has a bunch of welfare/status losers renting the basement, and there's no space to keep any of my junk. Bright side? 300 a month, and the parties are great. And I can toss everything I own (that is here, at least) in my old GMC and leave it in the secure parking at work (who needs storage when you have 'previously enjoyed' automobiles?).


We'll see. I'm just trying to ride this winter out, at this point.

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