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Lower Seatbelt Bracket Torx, really really stuck

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I was getting ready to start reinstalling my interior, trying to remove my rear seatbelt bracket bolt...The T50 Torx sheared off an Impact Torx Bit...luckily I was able to get the sheared off chunk out with a magnet, but any tips for removing this bolt?





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I was getting ready to start reinstalling my interior, trying to remove my rear seatbelt bracket bolt...The T50 Torx sheared off an Impact Torx Bit...luckily I was able to get the sheared off chunk out with a magnet, but any tips for removing this bolt?






Never mind.. a 2' Breaker Bar and a better Craftsman Torx bit and a little oomph!

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I used Fiiiiiiiiiiiire :brows:


I know the feeling. Destroyed a few tools getting mine out. Finally crawled underneath and got the nuts glowing, then was able to work them out.


It must have been a thread off or something the last time I installed it....once I got it out, it when back in with no prob once I stuck the carpet back in....Probably a cheap chineese torx bit...the craftsman one held up OK (although I felt better knowing I could take it into Sears for a replacement had it broke).

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God willing, i'll never have to remove em again....


famous last words. :D



Well..........he did have the MJ up for sale at one time :shake:


But decide to keep it and have all the fun the rest of us have :banana:


To bad #2 don't have to deal with all the rust like we have to deal with :fs1:

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