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track bar bushing worn out can i still drive?

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  meatgrinder13 said:
found out yesterday that my track bar bushing is worn out and when i turn it makes a kinda pop or hitting sound i can see where it is is it still safe to drive until i find a new bushing?

Park it ! Phone NAPA ,they stock a track bar complete replacement @ about $100 ? ( the bushing kit may not resolve the issue completely ) :cheers:

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You can drive it to the extend of moving it around the driveway, yard, etc. I wouldn't take it over 20 mph.


If it's just the bushing on the axle side, you should be able to replace it. If the TRE on the frame side has any play in it whatsoever, you're going to want to replace the entire trackbar.


IIRC most aftermarket adjustable ones will run you about the same price as a stock one.


Adjustable one=replaceable TRE so you shouldn't need to replace the bar again unless you bend it.

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well it only makes the sound when i acually turn the wheels fast but when i try to move it when its just sitting there it does nothing i can't budge it


EDIT its when i turn the steering wheel when i can hear it and when I'm on bumpy roads which is what my town is pure pot holes

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There's 4 bolts holding the bracket to the frame. Two go in through the side behind the spring, and the other two go up from the bottom. First time I replaced one of those brackets I used three original bolts and a new one, but I didn't get a lock washer for the non-flanged bolt and it worked loose, causing DW. I'd make sure they're tight.


Oh, and they should be 18 mm.

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thats what i did yesterday and when i stuck a screwdriver up to the track bar and put my ear to the screw driver and got my gf to turn the wheels it made tha sound its a good way to amplify the sound to pin point haha

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Usually it's the hole in the bracket on the frame end that gets elongated. A new track bar will not solve this. Tightening the castle nut will work for a while, but is not a permanent fix. The problem will come back.


If this is your problem, get a "new" one off a Cherokee in a junk yard.


While you're under your truck, have somebody else move the steering wheel.

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  meatgrinder13 said:
i can also see the track bar bushing kinda move when i turn the steering wheel I'm going down today to pick up a whole track bar for 90 dollars

Good idea :thumbsup:

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As mentioned, a new TB is a good idea. But while its off have a good look at the hole at the axle and at the frame. BOTH should be perfectly round.


If the AXLE end is oblong, a good thick GRADE 8 WASHER can be welded in to repair. If the FRAME end is oblong, a replacement is in order.



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Do you have alot of play in the steering wheel? If so its probally the bracket. Mine keeps coming loose (the castle nut) because the bracket hole isnt round anymore. I have to replace it on Monday (if it don't rain). It has been this way for a while. If I tighten it down it drives like a new truck. Rockauto has a replacment tracbar for like $35, and you can get the bracket for like $25 at a junk yard if it is the bracket.

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