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Painting whole truck Cost???

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it all depends where you go or if you do it yourself. if you do it your self look around $1500 if your starting out with out any tools. stuff like a compressor, a half decent gun, etc.

and for a shop to do it the charge by the hour on most of the body work. so say 85 and hour. if they spend 10 hours on body, which would a quick fix, would be 850 for body. then say 5 hours of paint at 150, so around 750 for paint. 1600 for a cheap job. but hey its a jeep.

painting is like tattoos. you get what you pay for. crap for crap and gold for gold.

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I work for a used car dealer and we use Maaco or Econo Auto Painting. They will lay a real decent paint job for under $200 + body work. The body work aint bad and you can negotiate with them.Meet the painter and throw him a $20 he will put a lil extra paint on it. They use Nason brand paint and if you keep wax on it it will hold up quite a while. I painted my truck myself and have over $250.00 in materials alone.

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The price of a paint job can be difficult to calculate from one vehicle to another. There are many variables. Things like how good is the body? How much body work needs done prior to paint. Doing it yourself with rattle cans or having a shop do it. Do you want to have a clear coat? How high of a quality paint job do you want? I had a friend of mine who knows a guy with his own paint shop give me an idea. He said with minimal body work needed and a "factory" paint job you are looking around 4K to 5K.

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I'm in the process of painting my MJ right now. I had a compressor, so I bought a gravity feed gun from Harbor Freight. I'm using rustoleum for the paint, so that will keep costs down. I'm sure I will get flamed for using rustoleum, but to each his own. The body work is the biggest pain so far seeing as how my MJ had so many pinstripe decals on it. I'm not expecting a show quality paint job, I just wanted to get rid of the surface rust and have a fresh coat of paint on it.


Honestly if you are looking to do it yourself and to keep it cheap, google "rustoleum paint job" You can actually roll the stuff on and get good results if you take the time.

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the 3800 cost me $1800 to have payed.


here's how it looked day after paint after I re-assembled it.




I did NOT get my money's worth...


two years later (2007) I was mad because the cab corners were rusting through (jackass left sandpaper and such in the cab corners, plugging the drains).


4 years later (2009) I am doing EVERYTHING i CAN to get the guy shut down. I made a replacement panel for this part


for the inner and outer portions of the wheel well, and all he had to do was cut, weld, and smooth. I find that he resorted to BONDO and fiberglass.


royally pissed. I will NEVER pay for a paint job again...at least I won't pay for it if it includes body work.



just a suggestion to do the body work yourself. that way you know what you're looking at years down the road.

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if you want cheap, but not a rattle can, do it yourself job, dupli color and plasti coat (as well as a few others) make a paint that is ready to spray. there is nothing to add. prep, prime, paint. doing it that way would run you about $120-150 for primer and paint. the prep is the key and the expensive part. take the time, do it right.


for a high quality paint and everything that goes with it, plus primer, you're looking at $500-1000 depending on brand, color, and number of coats. again, the prep is the key.


if you don't have the equipment, it's gonna be expensive. a good air compressor alone is going to run you $300 or more (of course you'll use it for other stuff). a cheap automotive spray gun will run you $50 or more. a good gun is going to run you $300 or more. then the tools for body work (orbital sander, straight line sander, grinder, da sander, etc) is going to run you about $200 for cheap stuff. the good stuff is going to run close to a grand or more.


then you have the equipment for the metal repair like a welder. they fill, glazeing putty, sand paper, grinder pads, etc, will add up.


if you do the job yourself and have some experience or a pretty good knowledge and the equipment, it's going to be the cheapest way to get an excellent paint job. if you don't, it may be cheaper to have it done. if you're somewhere in the middle, a ready mix paint like the duplicolor is a good option. i have heard of people having good results with these paints. they finish out nicely with some wet sanding and buffing. the paint is around $50 a gallon i think.


if you're going professional, you may be able to save some money and make sure the body work is done to your satisfaction by doing it yourself. talk to the body shop though, some won't paint over prep work done by others, and they won't warranty the paint job. others will charge you a reasonable price to just shoot it.


it all depends on what you want to do yourself, and what quality you're looking for. ;)

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Advance Auto sells he redi mixed duplicolors. I have seen some excellent results with them, and they have some nice colors. I have 3 gallons of their normal (need to thin) paint at home in "racing red" to repaint the truck with once I get all the 2500 parts and a new hood, body work ect. It used to be 4 gallons when I worked at advance, but busted during shipping and covered the other 3 in paint so they had to be defected out. SCORE.


PS my dad painted his car with a HVLP harbor freight air setup. no tank, I swear it ran on a fan motor through a corrugated hose. Turned out fine.


\then he airbrushed flames

\\turned out great

\\\its a chrysler sebring with spinner hubcaps

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