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no breaks. please help

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1986 4x4 companche. Changed both calipers on front and tjen bled them. Still no brakes unless u pump them up about 10 times. Then lose them again. Trying to gravity bleed them now but only one side will gravity bleed. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Welp another bottle of brake fluid down and still no brakes. Started with passenger side and worked it over. All kinds of fluid comn out but still no brakes. Gettin quite agravated. Put diffrrent calipers on that can off another front end just like it and done the same thing. Still no brakes.

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What was wrong with the old brakes?


Nothin. Put a new front end under it with a locker. And now no brakes unless u pump them up about 10 times then u loose them again

Did you have the brake lines open for a period of time? I am wondering if the fluid completely drained from the master cylinder and it has air trapped. I would try removing the master Cylinder and bench bleeding it.

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Sounds like an issue with the master cylinder as long as you're sure the bleeders are on the top. how much fluid have you pumped through? Like said previously, there could be air trapped in the system. but it doesn't sound like it bleeding it multiple times..

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I would recommend pulling the master cylinder off the booster and bench bleeding it to eliminate it as a possibility nitroxsteve has a good point, I've had a similar issue on a brake job before and if you have air in the master cylinder you can bleed the system a million times and you will have a very very spongy pedal at best.

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