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how do I release the big plug on the back of my cluster

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I am switching my instrument cluster and am having a hard

time removing the big plug on the back. I'm working on my 91 Comanche. Changing from a almost no gauge to a full setup. The back of the plug has what looks to be a blue keeper of some sort , I just need some insight as to how it is disconnected, I don't want to break it. Thanks for helping me out.

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I just did this earlier today.


Do what ParadiseMJ is suggesting.  For me, the cable was attached to a bolt on the framerail by one of those little clips, and by taking that off I was able to get about a foot of slack to work with.  From the footwell, reach up and thread that cable inside a bit more, then you should be able to see the connector better.  Also there is a panel to the right of the cluster that you can take off and maybe see a bit better.


There are two little raised bits on either side of the plug, those are what you need to squeeze to pull it off.

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Oh, if you're talking about the wire connectors, they've got a tab on the top and bottom.  Mine were pretty stiff so I had to push them in with a screwdriver.  The writeup I was using said to note the orientation of those plugs for when you put them back in the new cluster.

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Climb under the truck and push the speedo cable up towards the dash to give yourself some slack.


91s don't have speedo cables. Once the electrical plug is free then the cluster is out.


Yeah, there are tabs on the top and bottom that will let you release the plug. It probably hasn't moved in decades so it probably will require some tugging.

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yes ,all is good .I got it off.I had to work it back and forth for a while but in the end in gave up. The plug has a keeper, I could not tell just were it was hung up but the keeper was not the problem just 22 plus years not being moved. thanks for all the posts they gave me the feeling I just had to keep at it.  

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