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My 1987 Comanche and it's internal clutch slave cylinder

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I just joined the comanche club yesterday, and I see I need to prove I'm not a bot.


I bought my 1987 Jeep Comanche new, a 2.5 liter 5 speed, and the first major issue I had was the internal slave cylinder at only 40,000 miles.  When I realized the tranny had to be dropped I thought there had to be a better solution.  After a bit of research (back then there wasn't the internet as we know it today), I found out in the 1986 year model there was an external slave cylinder.  I began to search the salvage yards to see if I could find the parts to switch from the Internal to the external cylinder.  It took a while since there weren't that many to choose from.  I'm sorry I have no pictures to share, as even in the 1990's when I did the upgrade, it never occured to me to take any.

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Yup! Did the swap. Much better than the internal and more service friendly than the later externals. Fork is damn near impossible to find. 

And because of that is why I didnt do much of a write up but honestly its straight forward. 

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