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So, I pulled the boat out of the salt water on the trailer (truck only got her wheels wet) and when leaving the ramp, headlights keep going off and on.  Not hitting a bump related. Random but every few minutes though. Truck does have the 3 tilt wheel bolts backing out so plenty of slop there.  Other that mechanical problem like turn signal switch or head light switch,  is there anything else known to give this condition? 

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10 hours ago, 54bobby said:

So, I pulled the boat out of the salt water on the trailer (truck only got her wheels wet) and when leaving the ramp, headlights keep going off and on.  Not hitting a bump related. Random but every few minutes though. Truck does have the 3 tilt wheel bolts backing out so plenty of slop there.  Other that mechanical problem like turn signal switch or head light switch,  is there anything else known to give this condition? 

not knowing what aftermarket lamps say fog, driving, etc. or how trailer is wired  it is hard to say I doubt it has anything to do with tilt wheel issue since dimmer is mounted below all that but that should be repaired!!! have fun I have done many it is very time consuming having to disassemble entire upper column. as far as lamps on and off keep in mind the headlamp switch has a circuit breaker internal to switch that self resets when it cools off nothing else can be on this circuit high or low beam  these circuits can be used to switch relays that power fog and driving lamps but lamps must get power from battery and not headlamp switch

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Does the problem continue after unplugging the trailer?  If so, then I would look at the trailer wiring. The lights for the trailer got wet. They’re connected to the rest of the truck through the harness 

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In my 87 2.5 renix, where would i find the relay and if separate, the circuit breaker? under the hood or is it integrated into the on/off headlight switch on the dash, or fuse box? can it be tested and found to be either ok or not even if the condition isn't rearing it's ugly head at the time? like i said, it's intermittent but i never know when it will happen. they always come back on if i shut her down for a couple minutes and always come on on cold start ups.


On a positive note, the truck ran flawlessly on my 300 mile round trip crabbing excursion from south jersey to maryland overloaded with gear and towing a boat and motor on a early 70's heavy trailer. 

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8 hours ago, 54bobby said:

In my 87 2.5 renix, where would i find the relay and if separate, the circuit breaker? under the hood or is it integrated into the on/off headlight switch on the dash, or fuse box? can it be tested and found to be either ok or not even if the condition isn't rearing it's ugly head at the time? like i said, it's intermittent but i never know when it will happen. they always come back on if i shut her down for a couple minutes and always come on on cold start ups.


On a positive note, the truck ran flawlessly on my 300 mile round trip crabbing excursion from south jersey to maryland overloaded with gear and towing a boat and motor on a early 70's heavy trailer. 

there is no headlamp relay unless added, circuit breaker is 25 amp and is part of the switch don't know of any good way of testing. Advance auto $22.00 easy enough to replace if you drop lower dash and remove steering column brace to left kick panel inspect plug closely. I am assuming this problem occurs with out trailer hooked up

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Yes with or with out trailer. Started when I had to back trailer till lights were under water due to fill moon and off shore storm to get boat off. Now pass. side trailer tail does not work but turns, brake, and 4 ways still do.

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