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Looking for comprehensive vacuum line layout

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I've seen many images from FSM and the like, but what I'm looking for is a detailed map of the lines for the renix era 4.0. Not just the layout, but lines labled as to what they're for. And, it would be awesome if it included which lines my not be needed.


If this does not exist, then I would be glad to work with other members here to put one together.

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You need to run the blend door, MAP, PBs.


That's it. 


If you have EGR, that can go away too, charcoal canister at the tank and be done with it. 



You don't need a schematic for that. 


Right. All I need now is a schematic showing me what you just said! :banana:


Like many MJ owners, I have a lot of lines that are loose, missing, rerouted. I'd just like to have a better way to understand what's what. Versus, searching through hundreds of posts and images that may or may not be relevant. And, not everyone has the same needs. Meaning, I want my cruise to work and some don't. It's my understanding that it's a vacuum issue. I don't want to disable one thing that adversely effects another.

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Your cruise control vacuum line comes off the "large" vacuum that runs along the right side of the engine bay from the vacuum reservoir behind the bumper. If you have un-connected vacuum lines in the engine compartment you may not have enough vacuum to operate the cruise. The best schematic of the "factory" vacuum system is in the manual, as are the names and locations of all the vacuum devices. If/when you get the cruise control connected, test it somewhere safe. If it won't disconnect or keeps accelerating (as mine does) your only choice will be to turn the engine off (without locking the wheel) and pull to the side to manually disconnect cruise. That can be exciting.

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