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No power to fuel pump

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Pull the relay out. Take measurements from the pin to any ground. Refer to the following link:




Engine schematic: pg 14

Harness view: pg 89 & 90

Connector view: pg 75


C106_D1-5 is the connector with the yellow cover on it.

Thanks for the resource.


I cleaned and reinstalled the dipstick ground, 4 relays, connectors near it, and C101 connector. I checked C106 D1-5 and only got a reading on the batt. Pin (5.6 reading). C103 B got a reading of .12. All readings had the ignition on and everything reinstalled.

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Five (5) red wires tied together.

I found the 5 red wires and they were hanging on by a thread. I kept moving up the harness and found the yellow wires in a similar state, slightly better but not much. I don't have a collector big enough to grab the wires before soldering so I swing by the auto parts store or harbor freight tomorrow. Thanks for the help. Can you think of anything else that might need to be checked?

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Five (5) red wires tied together.

I found the 5 red wires and they were hanging on by a thread. I kept moving up the harness and found the yellow wires in a similar state, slightly better but not much. I don't have a collector big enough to grab the wires before soldering so I swing by the auto parts store or harbor freight tomorrow. Thanks for the help. Can you think of anything else that might need to be checked?


One thing at a time. Fix known problems and move on. 

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Might have another case of an open ended wire (not used). Yellow seems like splice F. Pg 16 upper left corner. Lets find out.


Disconnect Battery. Continuity check the following (ohmmeter) for zero (0) ohms.


Between C107_D2-4 and C216_5 (relay removed)

Between C107_D2-4 and C228_1 (relay removed)

Between C103_E and splice F.


Anyone of these will confirm splice F.

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Both Batt terminals disconnected and all relays pulled.


C107 D2-4 and C216 fuel pump relay:

D2-4 and Pin 30: meter didn't jump

D2-4 and pin 86: all jumped

D2-4 and pin 87: all jumped

D2-4 and pin 85: meter didn't jump


C107 to C228 oxygen sensor heater relay

D2-4 and pin 30: all jumped

D2-4 and pin 87: NO CONNECTOR

D2-4 and pin 86: all jumped

D2-4 and pin 85: #2 and #4 jumped


I already heat wrapped splice F. Do you need the data from it. Or is this information good?

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When I hooked up the meter it showed a reading. For example on the fuel pump relay

C107 D2 and fuel pump relay pin 87: The meter read 5.6


I have the ohms meter set for 200k and I plugged the red wire in C107 D2 and black wire in the fuel pump relay pin 87

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D2 and D3 don't matter. There not on the circuit being tested. D4: 0 confirms splice F (yellow wires). Make repairs, connect battery, cross fingers and start vehicle. Let us know.

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Put everything back together and she wouldn't start. So I jumped the fuel pump relay and left the pump running while I tried to start her and she fired up and ran until I pulled the jumper. Does that mean my relay is bad? I tried switching them around and had no luck.

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