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Difference in 90s Header Panels?

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Hi all, I recently attempted to put a 1996 Cherokee header panel on my 1988 Comanche and it seems the way the header panel installs is the same by the body lines on the fenders don't seem to line up and there also seems to be a wider gap between the hood and the header panel when the hood is closed.


Am I seeing that right? Was there a slight design change between the years?





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The body lines didn't change. Just the way they're lined up. When I first got my MJ, the panels didn't quite line up, but nothing interfered. Then I had a mechanic r&r my motor, and the hood didn't fit quite right when I got it back, couldn't get it to line up properly, and there was a negative gap (the hood and header touched). Then I pulled the header panel and upper radiator support while changing out the radiator, and no matter what I did after that, the negative gap was worse. Then last summer I pulled it all apart again when I put in another motor, hood off, header off, rad support out, and when I put it back together it all lined up perfect, without me even trying. None of the panels were replaced, the fenders haven't been removed or even adjusted since I got it. Couldn't tell you why what couldn't line up suddenly did all by itself.
Moral of the story, just mess around with it. You'll get it eventually. I think I would try lining up the fenders with the header panel first, and then getting the hood to square in the middle.

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