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Aw4 shift cable problem

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When cold outside my shifter has been hard to pull out of park and through the ranges, prnd. If you let it idle and warm up then it is fine. Well alittle bit ago now I went to move it in a hurry and didn't wait for the truck to warm up. The cable broke inside the cab, now I'm screwed waiting on the part stores to get a new one in. What is causing this? This isn't the first time this has happened to me with this truck either .

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I would think so, but I'm not sure. I am using pioneer pn ca-1176. It exits the firewall up near where a manual clutch master cylinder would be then goes over my brake booster and then down the tunnel area to the transmission.

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Did you end up running the shift cable like this ? Where it goes through the firewall above the trans tunnel ?





It seems like if it goes from the drives side , over the booster that is will have too many bends and possibly bind . This isn't the first time you broke a cable right ? It's either a binding problem , getting melted or inferior cables IMO .

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It is NOT supposed to go anywhere near the booster.  It goes from the tranny, makes an easy U turn and slides into the hole just inside the tranny tunnel.  It is hard to find, but it's there.  Sounds like someone did some tranny work, couldn't find the hole and said F*** it.  Then they likely used the wrong (too long) cable.  It should only travel along the tranny for maybe 10-12" before it dives into the hole.

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The column shift AW4 cable runs through the left firewall, over the booster then down the firewall to the tranny as below. The floor shift cable runs as Paradise says above. Your Pioneer CA-1176 cable is for the floor shifter. In both cases, lube the cable occasionally.  http://comancheclub.com/topic/13447-what-is-the-most-important-tip-youd-share-with-mj-owners/page-10?do=findComment&comment=501338


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  On 1/14/2016 at 1:19 PM, Strokermjcomanche said:

Did you end up running the shift cable like this ? Where it goes through the firewall above the trans tunnel ?





It seems like if it goes from the drives side , over the booster that is will have too many bends and possibly bind . This isn't the first time you broke a cable right ? It's either a binding problem , getting melted or inferior cables IMO .

I did not run the cable that way, I found the longer cable for the floor shift and used it instead. And yes this isn't the first cable I have broken

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If I put it near the firewall it seems way too bent to work properly. I am hooking it up to a floor shift. And it's not melting because this only happens when the truck is very very cold, under 30* out cold. And I know this is hard to see but in the top left of the pic you can see how the cable pushed out at the shifter side.

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Well I guess I am going to end up drilling that hole in the body. I'm hesitant to drill the hole and have it end up incorrect. I know I asked before but is it possible to drill out this hole from inside the cabin withouth disassembling the dash etc? I really don't have the available time to take this that far (ie dash removal)

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Every XJ/MJ I've ever owned or looked at in the junkyard with the engine/tranny out or lowered has had the hole.  The hole is not ON the firewall.  It is in the tunnel, just along the curve going into the tunnel.  My MJ was a 5 speed (aka didn't need the cable) but the hole, and plug were both already there.  I had to lie on my back directly under the tranny and run my hand along the inside of the tunnel...and boom,,,there was the hole.  If you don't want to drill, keep looking.  I'll bet you a nickel it IS there.

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No hole...


The hole on the left side of the picture half way up is the only hole in the tunnel on both my 88s ( one std and one was column shift ) and the 89 ( std ) .



This is the picture I used to locate the hole (it's a 97 + firewall I know ) . To me I call it the firewall because it's still vertical , but it could be considered the tunnel .


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