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9 mpg...

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Picked up the MJ last week, 90 long bed 4.0 AW4 3.55 347K miles on 235-75-15s.

First fill up, steady backroad driving at 55ish mph was 12 mpg.

Second fill up was more around town and it got just over 9.


It never starts on the first crank, but always on the second try... a few seconds apart on attempts.

Has a hesitation on initial tip in of the throttle, then picks up fine.

When going to WOT it blows black.

Just adjusted the TPS, really can't tell if it made a difference.

Checked the vacuum lines, didnt find any leaks.

Going to get a fuel pressure gauge and check the FPR and to check for leak down.

If that is OK, I plan on checking the O2.

I just picked up the truck and have no idea of its service history... other than the previous owner had it for 2 years and put around 2K miles on it.

Any of you more experienced with the Renix 4.0 have any other suggestions for me.


Much thanks.




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Not the FPR, 39 psi with vacuum disconnected, 29 connected, leaked down to 20 after about a half hour.

Dumped a can of seafoam in after the first fill up.

I am hitting the junkyard in the morning... as I was leaving sunday at closing time they had a ZJ with a 3.5" RC lift in it that I am going to try and grab... will test the O2 when I get home.




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