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front axle u joint c clips

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so, 6 months ago i bought a new u joint for the MJ. finally got around to putting it in yesterday and there was no c clips in the box that looked like it was opened when i got it (my bad, should of checked. anyway, i got 3 of the old ones off in 1 piece but the 3rd is fubar'd. can't fine the clips on any of the box store web sites. is there a size i can ask for at hardware stores? or am i gona have to buy a new u joint? really don't wana use any of the old ones.

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If you hadn't installed it you could return it and get a new one that had clips in the box. Right?

Since you already have the new one in you can't return that one. But couldn't you go buy the same exact one, use those clips and then return it? You didn't lose them or break them, you were shorted in the first place, I don't think I see a moral issue with doing it this way.

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Suggest converting to full circle clips that can be gotten from most auto parts stores and some hardware stores. FWIW, converting to full circle clips is a cheap easy upgrade worth tons of reliability over the stock C clips. My experience, new u joints on my old axles, with new lunchbox, stressed the axle on the right side (31.10s 4.10s)

popped the c clip, ruined my new r/side axle shaft. I call it new cause it was my two piece to one piece axle conversion.

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