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Stock leafs

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HellCreek makes them too.  be prepared for similar sticker shock.  leafs are heavy. 


if your leafs are indeed lift leafs, you should be able to sell them and recoup some of the money.


I hope that was hyperbole, since an SOA gives 6" and 14-6=more inches than any MJ leaf pack I'm aware of. :D

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HellCreek makes them too. be prepared for similar sticker shock. leafs are heavy.


if your leafs are indeed lift leafs, you should be able to sell them and recoup some of the money.


I hope that was hyperbole, since an SOA gives 6" and 14-6=more inches than any MJ leaf pack I'm aware of. :D

I measured the spot right behind the bed on mind from the ground to the quarter panel area and it was 33 inches. On lees it was 24 so no it was not s hyperbola

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HellCreek makes them too.  be prepared for similar sticker shock.  leafs are heavy. 


if your leafs are indeed lift leafs, you should be able to sell them and recoup some of the money.


I hope that was hyperbole, since an SOA gives 6" and 14-6=more inches than any MJ leaf pack I'm aware of. :D

He has thicker & More leafs than stock.


So roughly 3" Lift leafs + The extra 2-3" of leaf + SOA + The thicker 8.8 tubes= about 10-12"~

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Honestly, I wish I lived closer to you because I have a pair of factory replacement leaf springs from GS on my truck that have maybe 7000 miles on them and I want a set of lift springs on mine now.  I would gladly trade!

Still is probably worth it to cross ship trade. Spend sub $100 each on shipping vs $300-500~ on new leafs each.

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