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AC overhaul upgrade for 89 ?

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Since i recently began completely overhauling my AC system I was wondering if there is a way to upgrade the system using parts off of newer XJ's or other Jeeps? I've been having a hard time finding some of the parts and if I can use parts off newer vehicles to make the replacement parts easier in the future ( I'm not getting rid of my MJ anytime soon) or to make the system work better id be really interested in going that route, thanks in advance.

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Well, you will need to run R134a as R12 is pretty much non existent. Pretty sure most of the components from the later model XJ will work. To run the later model compressor, you will need to run a later model AC/fan bracket. 

Some of your local parts stores should have the ability to modify/make lines for you if necessary. 

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I would only use r12a to recharge an older working system. It's not the best refrigerant out there, it just happens to be inert and effective enough to behave well with whatever is already in your system. If you're changing components anyhow, might as well upgrade to a modern refrigerant.

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