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need to combine 2wd peugeot trans with 242 T.C.

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Doing a 4X4 swap. Have a non cad d30 front Also have a NP242 out of the same doner,Can a NP 242 be bolted up to a BA-10/5.And if so did I read that you can change the tail houseing with one from a 4wd. and cut the tail shaft at the correct length? On a tight budjet , Need to get it going right now.I'll upgrade later.Thanks in advance.

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only if the 242 is a very early model and has a 21 spline input.  and only if the trans is 4wd. 


If the 242 is 23 spline, then NOW is the time to get the AX-15.  it's the very heart of your drivetrain, not an afterthought for later. :thumbsup:

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A 2wd BA10/5 can be converted to a 4wd by replacing the tailhousing and cutting the output shaft to 1/2" past the mounting surface (in protrusion).

Was going to do this myself until I got a AX15 accidently. I have a 4wd tailhousing I was going to use (came with a blown 4wd BA10/5 ... go figure).

Now I'm on the hunt for a 23 spline input gear.

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Yep, you can do it.

I converted 2 or 3 2wd BA's to 4wd back when the junkyards were asking way too much for 4wd replacements.


 4wd BA output housings were easy to find back then, since free, blown up 4wd BA's were everywhere.

Not sure how easy 4wd BA output housings are to find these days. :???:



With AX-15's being pretty common, I honestly don't think it's worth doing anyway,

 but it's really simple if you want to do it.


The first one I did with the transmission still in the Jeep

It was my daily driver MJ in 1998, I pulled the tailcone off on a whim to see how far the shaft was splined,

 when I saw that it was long enough, I had an old driveshaft cut to fit and cut down the output shaft the next weekend :thumbsup:


Removed tail cone,

put 4wd housing on

marked the output shaft

stuffed rags in the openings to keep filings out

cut it off with an abrasive cutting wheel (turning the shaft a few times as I cut)

cleaned up the end of the shaft

bolted it back together with the transfer case & new driveshaft.


I put a 231 on mine, so I don't know if the 242 you are using (from an early AW4) requires the same length of shaft sticking out as the 231 did.

I'd measure the amount of output shaft stickout the AW4 has before I cut down the BA.

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Thanks,I have the good AW4 that came with my doner,I plan on swapping it in sometime in the future,No hurry though,I put the axles under it last year and I'm wanting to get it 4x4 by hunting season/winter.Right now I need it fast and cheap.I  have a driveshaft shop that will shorten it while I wait so for now that's my best bet right now.Thanks again.

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