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instrument panel grounding problems

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I know this is covered but I ran into a bump in the road take a  look at the picture. seems that my head light switch is grounded under my instrument panel..... there is only one wire that goes to the headlight switch its the green one you see in the picture. there isnt even a connector on it just copper pinched under the ground.. I'm guessing this is not correct what do I do.

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figured it was that easy but never saw anything about the headlight switch ground being in the equation and if it belonged grounded at that point. The headlight switch wire is black for a couple inches then spliced to a green then connected to the ground.

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also electrical gremlins got to my manche in just 3 days of it sitting..... none of my directionals work inside or outside of the vehicle and they did 3 days ago sigh.....guess I will clean/ rewire front light plugs. I can't seem to locate the passenger side one is it behind the headlight? Also while I was down there with a flashlight I pressed in the clutch with my hand and could see a small amount of fluid coming out of the rubber boot where the piston goes in. I fear it has leaked on the back of my panel a little not sure how much but its not all oily under the carpet.

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