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Keeping The Antennae Cable Together

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So the radio in the MJ sometimes gets fuzzy reception, thusly, I have to play with the cable where it junctions together (passenger side footwell, inside receiver meeting outside plug) to get the reception back. It seems to work for a month or so, but then the reception starts to fade in and out at times.


As it stands right now, I have the thing taped rather well, but it always seems to work itself loose over time. Is there some sort of "permanent" way to keep this thing from working itself loose, or should I look into re-taping it with some fresh tape? :dunno:

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Slide a piece of heat shrink tubing over the coupler joint, plug it in securely, then slide the heat shrink tubing over the coupler and shrink securely with heat gun. Works well.



Don't know why I didn't think of this. I was even looking at some today in the cab while I was fiddling with the darn thing. 

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My coupler split years ago. I put the smallest size stainless steel screw type hose clamp on it and it's held ever since. Just put the clamp on snug, then get it pushed together all the way and clamp it down.

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