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Ticking time bomb (dash)

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Driving to work (now) suddenly hear a ticking coming from instrument panel. Slows down as speed slows and increases in speed with speed, stops when I stop. My guess is speedometer cable loose? It's not jumping around or anything and haven't had the dash apart. Did a quick search and paradisemj mentions loose cable but his tick went away as he drove faster. Just curious if anyone had similar, not going to be able to look into it till next week anyway.

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I had a bad front driveshaft u joint that caused the same symptoms. Roll down your window and drive up against the wall of a building. The noise with bounce off the wall and become louder and more apparent. Might help to narrow down what it is....

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It sounds like the turn signal has been left on, just a little louder.  Tick about every 4 seconds when moving up to about 40mph then just about every 2 seconds when faster.  Thanks for ideas to check out, hope to be able to troubleshoot it next week.  Got to change the fuel pump in the 04 grand cherokee first.

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