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New member with questions on how to bleed brakes after new M/C-BOOSTER INSTALL

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Hi I'm new to the forum and need help on how to bleed my brakes on my 1987 Jeep Comanche 2.5l 2wd shortbed. I recently started it up again after having it parked for 2 years. I opened all four bleeder valves and draind the old brake fluid. I installed a new master cylinder and brake booster and I am at a complete halt at this point. I have never done brakes before other than the regular changing of brake pads on my other vehicle's. The MJ has rear drum brakes btw so I don't know if anything else is required to be done. Any help would be greatly appreciated by the comanche community.

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To bleed the brakes, you star at the cylinder farthest away from the master cyl. first.  So, you bleed right rear, left rear, right front, and left front.  If your MJ still has the load sensing valve, then you need to perform additional steps to bleed those lines.  Search on CC for those steps.  


(I believe it involves opening the RF bleeder, pumping the brakes.  This causes the by-pass valve to open.  Then you bleed the both rear brakes.  Be sure to close the front bleeder when done.)

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To bleed the brakes, you star at the cylinder farthest away from the master cyl. first. So, you bleed right rear, left rear, right front, and left front. If your MJ still has the load sensing valve, then you need to perform additional steps to bleed those lines. Search on CC for those steps.


(I believe it involves opening the RF bleeder, pumping the brakes. This causes the by-pass valve to open. Then you bleed the both rear brakes. Be sure to close the front bleeder when done.)

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I'm new to the forum guys so forgive me if I don't respond in the correct place. I purchased the mc/bb new at advance auto parts. They were already bolted together so i only bolted the bb to the firewall. I didnt think that i would have to bench bleed it. However I did add brake fluid to the mc and pump the brake pedal several times

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I think you can get away from bench bleeding if you pump enough fluid through the master cylinder.  Try Dormand Speed bleeder fittings and just pump away (refilling the master cylinder as necessary).  You will also purge your entire brake lines of old nasty fluid.  Dormand says they only go on the front,  But I use them front and rear with excellent results.  If the proportioner locks up a line just switch to the opposite side, then go back to the other side.  Start at right rear, left rear, right front, left front.  A do it yourself operation with no constant bleed line checking with the Dormands.  Dormands are made in China so occationally a poorly machined bleeder will not seat in the caliper or wheel cylinder and you'll have to replace it or hand burnish it to get it to seal properly.

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