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injector question

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so I found from looking at my injectors that they sent me bosch FORD injectors part # 280-155-710 but the invoice they sent had 746...anyway, is this why they don't work right? I looked it up and from what I found is that  to run these injectors I need a new regulator. is this correct or should they work fine?
I want Volvo 746 from all the positive reviews on em so will probably send these back anyway.

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I would highly suggest sending those weird ford ones back... I'm not even sure if those are compatible/interchangeable with the stock comanche ones. So yes, that is probably why your truck was running bad.


Hopefully you can send them back! Give programbo a message and he will hook you up for $80 out the door.

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just contacted programbo for a set
I can get a full set of oem 1-hole injectors with rail for $130 but I don't need a rail and id rather 4-hole injectors...
I even went to local u-pull and no Volvos with 746 injectors, I did find 280-155-813 but I didn't want to risk it.
there were no renix xj or mj at all whatsoever.

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I have a set of 746 injectors for sale, check the for sale forum for details.

I couldn't get ahold of programbo and ordered from fellow cc member 91pioneer



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Since they don't make OEM injectors any more try visiting a local injector rebuild shop and get yours rebuilt.

The OEM Deka injectors are prone to cracking at a seam on the body and spraying raw fuel on the engine/exhaust manifold. That's why people upgrade when they need injectors. 

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