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Political poll- for my own info only


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Another election cycle has passed and I cannot find one shred of evidence for a third party candidate winning any post of more than local significance. I have googled extensively. As this is a national forum if someone could point me to a race where a 3rd party candidate won a race of any importance would you please do so & I can then research it? I am not looking for an argument pro or con but just the places to look.  Thanks

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There are two U.S. Senators who were not elected as Democrats or Republicans, rather as independents (small i).  Both of those gentlemen won a significant office without the 2 major parties.  Does this count as a 3rd party?  Or are you looking for someone actually claiming to be a specific party name, i.e. "Green Party/American Independent Party/etc."?

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They say they are independent but they vote in lock step with the democrats.

This. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck I don't care if it calls itself a pigeon it is a duck.


Yes, a recognized third party is what I am looking for: Libertarian, Green, Socialist, Constitution...something like that.  Still not having much luck.

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