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Mj won't Start

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I have an 89 4.0 MJ 2wd automatic, i noticed that a few of my injectors were leaking after i used some sea foam fuel system cleaner.  i purchased some bosch 4 hole injectors off of ebay that were said to fit my MJ, the first time i drove it after that i broke down on the side of the road and had to be towed home.  i figured the injectors were not correct so i tried the old injectors again and it still won't start.  i replaced the fuel filter, when i did the gas that poured out of the back was nasty and filled with debris. 


it sounds almost like the engine isnt getting gas but the fuel pump kicks on when i cycle the key, and ive followed the fuel lines and gas is getting to the fuel rail.  it getts so close to starting but just won't turn all the way over.  


I'm only 17 and even though i work fulltime i don't have a ton of money to take it too a mechanic.  please any help is greatly appreciated!

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Is it getting correct fuel pressure? And is it getting spark? I'd Make sure it's getting spark first sense is easy. Then check fuel pressure. Maybe use some either (starter fluid) if it kicks over on that, it's still fuel.

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I recently changed the plugs, wires, and distributor cap. so spark should not be an issue. and I sprayed carburetor cleaner into the throttle body and it started right up then died as soon as that burned up. I need to check fuel pressure next because it is getting gas but i'm not sure if its enough pressure or not. 


Is it getting correct fuel pressure? And is it getting spark? I'd Make sure it's getting spark first sense is easy. Then check fuel pressure. Maybe use some either (starter fluid) if it kicks over on that, it's still fuel.

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I would be looking at the crank position sensor. I believe it controls the injectors and is a common cause of failure to start issues.


Edit. I'm trying to remember if its for the spark or injection I'm sure someone will chime in to clear it up. I don't want to send you in the wrong direction.

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