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Question Regarding An 88 2.5L

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I am working on my 88 Pioneer with a 2.5L 4 spd.  I am trying to figure out what the hose that goes in at the back of the valve cover is called.  I found one on line called a crankcase breather tube, but it only listed as being good for 4.0L.  I can't get this beast running until I find one.  HELP.

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Check #22 and see if that helps.

That's for a 4.0 though. Dang. Napa carries that stuff but it's hidden in an obscure place in their paper parts book. 


Have the guy at Napa find the ones in the book for the 4.0 listed in #22 and see if you can identify yours on the same page. 

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It would help to have a photo, but I suspect you are referring to the PCV hose. The 2.5L engine used an actual PCV valve, unlike the 4.0L that used a small CCV line that didn't have a one-way check valve ball in it.

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