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Lock Right Vs Spartan Vs Aussie Vs Lokka

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Lol I know... I've snapped a few dirty-5's in my day, but was thinking of leaving the MJ's 2.5 pretty much stock. That, and the 31" KO's shouldn't bother it TOO much... But for the same amount of cash, I can buy a n 8.8 with 4.10's and a LSD and just move the perches to match the MJ. I had even forgotten I had put this thread up, to be honest.

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The Lokka people used to make the Aussie in Australia for TorqMasters. Then Lokka shipped production to China and began using Chinese sourced metal. The number of failures skyrocketed. TorqMasters canned Lokka and moved production the the U.S. using U.S. metal. They also refined the design making it smoother.


Lokka continues to sell the previous Chinese produced design under their own label. As the real Aussie is only about $30 more including shipping on fleabay the choice between these two is pretty obvious were it me doing the choosing. If I remember to do it when I get access to my photos I will post pics of my Chinese Aussie after it committed suicide.


The Spartan has a good rep and so does the lock-right. The gold standard of drop-in lockers is the very smooth but more expensive No-slip.


I will probably get an Aussie or my second choice the Spartan for mine to save a few bucks over the No-slip as mine will not be a DD

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Tell me more about this No-Slip. It sounds interesting.

I believe he is referring to the Powertrax No-slip. It is supposed to be a more street friendly version of the lock right

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The Power Trax No-slip is acknowledged as having the smoothest & most quiet operation of any of the drop-ins with no loss of performance. It is the most street friendly. The penalty is price. I ride in 3 jeeps with No-slips on a regular basis and they are smoother than an Aussie or lok-right, also made by PowerTrax. A soccer mom friend has one in the rear of her lifted KJ and dd's it even in our winters. I have no personal experience with a Spartan.

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