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Effed Up Clutch Line

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So, replacing the master cylinder today. Get the old one unbolted and get the roll pin knocked out. Go to pull the line out of it and it just snaps off. The majority of the metal end is still in the old master. The lip of it is still in the line. So, I'm screwed atm. Can't find the clutch line for it anywhere. I need a solution asap.


1991 Comanche 4.0 AX15 2wd

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If you have the new master out maybe your best bet is to take it to the parts store and see if a line from another make of vehicle would work for you..(not necessarily jeep)....I just found out myself that a dorman Master for a Honda is the same as what I have in my 87.


That is of course if the line is removable from the bottom by the slave as well

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Your options are pretty limited.  Best option would be to grab a good used one at the jy or from a member.  Beyond that you might be able to rig something up that would work.  The Renix clutch masters had a threaded connection.  You might be able to use a 4.0 Renix master and Renix hard/soft line (Advance carries these lines).  The internal clutch slave is the same and I think the plastic line is ultimately hooked up to a threaded hard line on the outside of the bellhousing

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Yeah. I'll just have to dead stick the Jeep to work tomorrow, order the master and line from a 90 Jeep, pick 'em up on Sunday, and pray hard when I get home. The hydraulic line does have the threaded connection on the end where it attached to the line from the slave going into the bellhousing.

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Well, WiFi is out right now so pictures will have to wait, but I have been successful! I took 60" of 1/4" brake line, bent it (poorly and ugly, had to straighten then rebend it since I forgot to slide a fitting to one end before I bent it the first time, d'oh, but it works), got a 90 Comanche clutch master from my local O'Reilly's, and was thinking, heck yeah gonna be easy and get this done. That was yesterday. Got the new master installed, the bent line in place, then went to disconnect the slave fitting from the old hose. Didn't move. At all. Heat, pb, vice grips, etc., did nothing to help. Cursing and then praying also didn't help. So today, I got a pipe cutter, some line bolts, and a flaring tool from my job at Advance. Got home, bundled up for the 20* weather, and went to work. Cut the old line off the slave right by the old fitting, put the new fitting on, flared the line, tightened everything (used a coupler between the slave line and the new hydraulic line), bled that b*@$£ and now I can start it in gear and shift without grinding! Got the proper clutch hose for a 90 Manche on order from NAPA. Pick that up tomorrow and sit on it until the weather warms up and replace my crackhead line when it's sunny and 80* outside.

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Glad the parts from the '90 worked out :thumbsup:.  Wouldn't sit too long on the correct clutch hose though.  With no ability to flex (I assume your current 1/4" line is hard line all the way from clutch master to bell housing) everything will have a lot of stress on it and something will give out.  Last thing you want to do is drop the trans b/c the line going into the slave split or sheared off...

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I swapped my plastic hose for a braided line.  Picked up a braided line at my speed shop and adapter from Advance Adapters and made the swap.  Glad I did too.  Somewhere on this forum is the instructions on how to do that.

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Well, WiFi is out right now so pictures will have to wait, but I have been successful! I took 60" of 1/4" brake line, bent it (poorly and ugly, had to straighten then rebend it since I forgot to slide a fitting to one end before I bent it the first time, d'oh, but it works), got a 90 Comanche clutch master from my local O'Reilly's, and was thinking, heck yeah gonna be easy and get this done. That was yesterday. Got the new master installed, the bent line in place, then went to disconnect the slave fitting from the old hose. Didn't move. At all. Heat, pb, vice grips, etc., did nothing to help. Cursing and then praying also didn't help. So today, I got a pipe cutter, some line bolts, and a flaring tool from my job at Advance. Got home, bundled up for the 20* weather, and went to work. Cut the old line off the slave right by the old fitting, put the new fitting on, flared the line, tightened everything (used a coupler between the slave line and the new hydraulic line), bled that b*@$£ and now I can start it in gear and shift without grinding! Got the proper clutch hose for a 90 Manche on order from NAPA. Pick that up tomorrow and sit on it until the weather warms up and replace my crackhead line when it's sunny and 80* outside.


So my question of if you had a flaring tool turns into a prophecy.... :brows: ....glad to see you got it back together.. :thumbsup: .....necessity brings out the best in all of us.


On thing that should be mentioned about this fix if it happens to any one else ( I did not know you had access to an older MC) ....I had similar problem with a YJ once and replaced the clutch master to internal slave line with a brake line..(I think it was off a Toyota truck rear???)...had the right fittings and the flexible rubber hose....just had to tweek the bend by the master a bit to fit....sold the truck but to my understanding he is still running that line to this day

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I swapped my plastic hose for a braided line.  Picked up a braided line at my speed shop and adapter from Advance Adapters and made the swap.  Glad I did too.  Somewhere on this forum is the instructions on how to do that.



Braided line and adapters from AA......cost about $40 total:


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I'm not going to wait too long, just until the weather isn't trying to turn me into a popsicle. Then I'll be out there swapping that hard line to the 90 Comanche clutch hose. Though, hopefully, by that point in time I'll actually be throwing a 4x4 swap into it which means that I'll be dropping the old transmission out so the line will be coming off, regardless. And I doubt I'll spend $20 on an adapter because that would mean buying another 91 clutch MC (I returned the one I bought since I went with a 90) which would be another $40 since I can just warranty out the Master cylinder and the clutch hose.

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