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Rear Bumper Brackets 06058 75$ Shipped


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  • 5 weeks later...

Are the rear bumper assemblies the same on all Comanches?  Will the bumper from an '88 bolt right onto a '91?  I have a '91, and just wondering if this bumper will fit:







Yes they are, all interchangeable. And if you call Mopar Parts Overstock to order I'm sure you will find that these MJ bumpers are NLA.

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I had to trim mine in order to make them work on my 89, there was no way around it, they interfered with the shackle bolts that went through the frame, they did come off an 86 though, so maybe 86 had different ones from 87-92, due to they only had long beds that year, but they were for sure OEM brackets,

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