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Comanche Lwb Gas Tank Skid Plate, Case Skid Plate, Front Skid Plate And Tow Hooks. Nanaimo, Vancouver Island Bc


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OEM skid plates from a 1991 Comanche long box. I know it'll cost a bunch to ship, but I can always bring it with me when I leave the island to go to the mainland or Washington if that would help. I would like $50 for the tank skid plate. I have the transfer case skid plate, front skid plate and tow hooks too if anyone is interested.

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Yes, they are mounted on the front under the bumper on the brackets that hold the bumper on. The brackets that hold the bumper on are different, so you'll need those too.

Here is a pic of what a new set looks like: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31n5UwpAViL._SS500_.jpg

The brackets and hooks could use a clean up and coat of paint, but are straight and worth installing. If you would like to know how much shipping would run just PM me your address and I'll get you a price.

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Yes, they are mounted on the front under the bumper on the brackets that hold the bumper on. The brackets that hold the bumper on are different, so you'll need those too.

Here is a pic of what a new set looks like: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31n5UwpAViL._SS500_.jpg

The brackets and hooks could use a clean up and coat of paint, but are straight and worth installing. If you would like to know how much shipping would run just PM me your address and I'll get you a price.

PM sent.

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