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Rear Bedside Armor

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While wheeling over the weekend the inevitable happened, I broke a tail light and did some damage on the rear bedside behind the rear axle. I know a few of you here have either bought or built them (I can't seem to find anyone who sells them) I was hoping for a little information. First what thickness of steel did you use? I assume you bent the steel around something to get the "curve" needed. My plan is to just make a cardboard template.... lay that down on a piece of steel.... cut it out then "Mold" it to fit the rear of the MJ. After that cut out a hole for my rear tail light and hang it on the Truck. But like I said earlier it's the "Curve" that worries me.... thanks in advance.

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This is what I'm refereing to 401...... (I borrowed this from your build H3RESQ..... hope you don't mind)  I need something to protect the side and so I can mount aftermarket taillights.... I'm not sure the the XJ and MJ are the same but that would make things easier.



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H3R3SQ didn't build those, the previous owner did. There's a link in his thread to the po's build that goes into it I believe. Afaik, Mnkyboy built his own too, maybe he'll chime in


Ok thanks.....I'll try and find it.

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I could 87manche but I'd still need something to hang taillights in..... on a side note.... I had no idea those were so expensive.  Thanks mnkyboy, that is exactly how I want mine to look.... appreciate the pics

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