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88' Manche Pioneer 4.0 No Spark! Please Help??

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Okay guys I am on my last straw here. About a month ago I had a no fire issue with my 88' Pioneer. I replaced the CPS and it ran like a champ everyday up until today. Now I am back to the same turning over then engine but no fire. I sprayed some ether down the throttle body with no luck. My fuel rail is reading about 40 psi. I also checked for spark by removing a plug and checking for an arc with no luck. No spark showing at all. I removed the coil and cleaned contacts between that and the control module. No change. I did a resistance test on the coil and was reading about 7.8 ohms but I'm not for certain that it is really the coil or not. Has new plug wires, new distributer cap and router and new plugs all Accel. Also a new fuel filter about 3 months ago. What should my next step be? What could make it just not start all of the sudden?

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Take a spark plug and put it in the coil wire. See of you have spark at the coil. Also check the grounds on the dipstick tube.


ummm... this may sound dumb, but - of course, don't forget to ground the plug when you check for spark.     

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Have you tested the "new" CPS?  Where'd you buy it?  Anything's possible.  Certainly sounds like a CPS issue.


Did you route the CPS wire correctly...not laying on the manifold?  Melted wire? Too easy to do to without ruling it out.

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I did not test it because it fired right up once it was installed. I bought it from Autozone "Duralast" brand...couldnt really find the part from NAPA..although I didnt really search hard for it. Maybe its just a junk CPS? Any part numbers from NAPA out there? Does Echlin/ NAPA even make one?

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Have you tested the "new" CPS?  Where'd you buy it?  Anything's possible.  Certainly sounds like a CPS issue.


Did you route the CPS wire correctly...not laying on the manifold?  Melted wire? Too easy to do to without ruling it out.


Test the CPS. Don't do the resistance (ohm) test -- it isn't reliable, plus the spec is for the resistance at operating temperature, and how the heck are we supposed to reach operating temperature if the engine doesn't start? Do the voltage-whe--cranking test -- somebody posted a link to it just a couple or three days ago.

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Found the problem.....

My new CPS wire fused itself together...thanks to my header heat shield. Thank you all for your time and support! She is spliced together for now until I can get a new one but at least I got her home! Thanks again guys

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