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D35 Axle Questions

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local JY has a D35 that someone disassembled for the gears, good for me because they pulled the axles-the part I need-and left them lying on the ground. I'm guessing they should fit without any issues, its out of an 89 XJ. My questions are 1. does the spline count at the inner edge of the axle matter (27 splines on the JY ones), and is there a way to field test the axles for having been bent? 

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Which parts do you need?


Also remember that the D35 shafts are left and right specific, as they're not the same length.


My right axle is bent at the wheel causing alot of other drivers to think its about to come off. LMAO. I have a complete rear end on the parts truck but since I havent checked it to see what condition it is in, seems just as easy to pick up an axle from the jy ($15)  and make a trailer out of the rear of the parts truck. 


Whoever took the JY axle just took the spiders out of the carrier. Both axles are sitting on each side of the truck so fairly confident which is which. 

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