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Almost Done With The Electric Fan

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I'm pretty much done with the electric fan swap but have run into an issue with the wiring part. the fan is just a single speed 16 inch fan and i got the normal controller and wiring kit with a radiator probe i have all the wires done now except the controller wire lead needs to be connected to something that is "hot" in run only neither of my books have good diagrams so i figured my best bet was to come here! so basically what would be a good wire i could splice into for the controller power on a 86 2.5. i can post more info on controller fan pictures if yall need. thanks for any assistance!      

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Look on the fuse panel for a blank space that says "IGN" or "ACC".  Either of those will work, the only difference being that "ACC" will work with the key turned backwards and in run, whereas "IGN" will only work in run.  Make sure to put an appropriate size inline fuse when you run that wire.

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Just my 2 cents

But I have done this a few times on Cherokee's


You are better off (and Safer) if you run the fan directly to the battery through a relay (like the one's used to control fog/driving lights) then control the relay from your accessory outlet on your fuse box.

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