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1986 XJ, 2.8, AX5. I have taken 2 starters, bench checked both of them, good. I put them on the engine, no work. The solenoid kicks in but the starter motor doesn't spin. Just a clunk from the solenoid. Cherry body, interior so I don't want to part it. When push started it fires the instant I drop the clutch. Runs great. No smoke, noises, leaks. Getting the 2 bolts started in the starter is a royal b*tch. Gone from no shims to 3/8 of an inch, no difference. Any ideas? Suggestions? HELP! :fs1:

I'm getting to old for this shet.

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I got to thinking while in the shower. I never checked for voltage at the starter. The original wire from the pos battery post to the solenoid was all corroded and the PO had replaced it with a new one. I visually checked it but did not check for continuity or if There was 12volts at the starter. First thing in the morning, after my coffee of course. I've got enough new stuff from the store that was defective  that I know just because it's new is no guarantee it's good. Good ol made in China, etc.

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It was the connector at the battery end. Cut it off, crimped a new one on, works fine. I violated one of my own basic rules of trouble shooting. When frustrated back off, go do something else, think about it.

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