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K so i just picked up an MJ and i plan on doin a long arm kit and i heard to run f150 springs in the rear i just wanna now what would be the best long arms to do like a 3/4 link or radiose arms and this is my daily driver but i don't care about ride quality just as long as i don't get death wobble on high way and I'm lookin for a 4+ inch lift and what other springs do people run in the rear and i have an uncle that can help me fab a long arm kit if you can make a home made better but I'm lookin for somthin that will drive me to the rubicon...wheel and drive back

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I think long arms are massive overkill for a 4-inch lift, but if you want long arms, IMHO you can't get better than Clayton's Offroad. I have visited their shop. No matter who you are, you can't possibly build one better, and Clayton is an industrial engineer so you also can't engineer one better.

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I prefer a 3 or 4 link over a radius/y link longarm but really any of them will do the job.


I don't think F150 springs would be a good choice as they are too stiff. I've heard of F150 coils used up front but never heard of anyone using them in the rear.

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Idk i guess i might be wrong about the f150 springs cuz i was thinkin about the xj cuz my buddys got an all out wheeler and runs f150 i think out of a 2wd or somthin and serton years but then i rememberd the mj is a little diffrent in the rear what are good springs to run cuz i have SOA and i HOPE theres an add a leaf in my pack so it will lower it a bit antidisestablishmentarianism if i take a spring out of the pack will that drop it a little?? and i have a 4 inch lift kit with an 8 inch lift... He put 4inch spacings up front and rear looks like he just did a SOA but would that lift it 8 inches??

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I think if you go longarms in the front, find some 6 inch front springs, and just do spring over axle in the rear with stock springs and new shock mounts. I think this will get you the results you want and you won't have to mess with rear spring combinations.

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