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Steering Box Power Or Manual?

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My steering is way off and one of the first things I figure i'll need to inspect will be the steering box.  However I've never removed one before but have been looking at a few topics regarding.  Anyway my question is can you interchange between a power steering box and a manual?  Does the manual still utilize the pressure hoses?  Should I be concerned about compatibility as far as mounting where the power steering box is now?


This is the replacement I found > http://www.jeep4x4center.com/steering-gear-assembly-with-manual-steering-52000089.html .  I suppose I just need reassurance through all of this.  Cheers!



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I would not think the first thing to look at would be the steering box.  The steering has lots of variables.  Worn parts, poor alignment, funky tires etc. etc.  First thing I'd do would be to look at the tie rod ends, ball joints etc.  See if there is any play with the wheels on the ground, wheels off the ground, have someone sit inside and turn the wheel while you're underneath looking how it all moves.  Use a big screwdriver to stick between componets and wiggle it around to see if anything is loose or bent.


The SECOND thing I'd do is to clean up all the fluid/grease/crap/hoses.  And then with the same person turning the wheel, while you are underneath, look for what is leaking.  Is your P/S fluid topped off?  Does the P/S moan and groan at full lock either way?  When is the last time the fluid was changed? Flushed?


After I looked at all that...then I might think I had a problem with the box.  If the box was shot...I'd buy a new one and replace it, flush the fluid, replace the hoses and be done with it.


Also, the manual steering does NOT use the pressure hoses that attach to the power steering pump.  Nor do they use the power steering pump...because...well, it's not power steering.


Read up on the adjustment.  If you think it's within your ability range, try to adjust it.  Otherwise, find a P/S box...you'll regret downgrading.  The whole power steering system is pretty darn simple.  Adjusting the box not as simple as just tightening a bolt without the possibility of damaging the box.. 

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I would not think the first thing to look at would be the steering box.  The steering has lots of variables.  Worn parts, poor alignment, funky tires etc. etc.  First thing I'd do would be to look at the tie rod ends, ball joints etc.  See if there is any play with the wheels on the ground, wheels off the ground, have someone sit inside and turn the wheel while you're underneath looking how it all moves.  Use a big screwdriver to stick between componets and wiggle it around to see if anything is loose or bent.


The SECOND thing I'd do is to clean up all the fluid/grease/crap/hoses.  And then with the same person turning the wheel, while you are underneath, look for what is leaking.  Is your P/S fluid topped off?  Does the P/S moan and groan at full lock either way?  When is the last time the fluid was changed? Flushed?


After I looked at all that...then I might think I had a problem with the box.  If the box was shot...I'd buy a new one and replace it, flush the fluid, replace the hoses and be done with it.


Also, the manual steering does NOT use the pressure hoses that attach to the power steering pump.  Nor do they use the power steering pump...because...well, it's not power steering.


Read up on the adjustment.  If you think it's within your ability range, try to adjust it.  Otherwise, find a P/S box...you'll regret downgrading.  The whole power steering system is pretty darn simple.  Adjusting the box not as simple as just tightening a bolt without the possibility of damaging the box.. 


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I have adjusted steering boxes before. Sometimes it works, sometimes the box is beyond adjustment. But ... the internal adjustment of the steering box is the absolute LAST thing to consider, not the first, or even the second or third.


The manual box is just a box. No hoses, no pump, no fluid reservoir. It'll bolt right in. And you'll hate it. The steering ratio for the power box is 14:1. The ratio for the manual box, IIRC, is 24:1. How many ways can you spell "S-L-O-W"?


Coincidentally, I was discussing the steering box adjustment with the shop foreman at my dealership just a few days ago. He said he has done it on one of his vehicles, but he won't do it on a customer's vehicle and he won't let the techs in the shop do it, because there's too much chance of messing up the box permanently and he doesn't want the liability.

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I would not think the first thing to look at would be the steering box.  The steering has lots of variables.  Worn parts, poor alignment, funky tires etc. etc.  First thing I'd do would be to look at the tie rod ends, ball joints etc.  See if there is any play with the wheels on the ground, wheels off the ground, have someone sit inside and turn the wheel while you're underneath looking how it all moves.  Use a big screwdriver to stick between componets and wiggle it around to see if anything is loose or bent.


The SECOND thing I'd do is to clean up all the fluid/grease/crap/hoses.  And then with the same person turning the wheel, while you are underneath, look for what is leaking.  Is your P/S fluid topped off?  Does the P/S moan and groan at full lock either way?  When is the last time the fluid was changed? Flushed?

I would like to remove it, make some adjustments and flush the fluids for sure before I whip out the wallet.  Only reason why I am almost certain it needs adjustment is mainly due to no movement from my wheels and I'm literally turning the steering a good 90˚.  Thats good advice and I think I'll clean it up and give it a QC


The manual box is just a box. No hoses, no pump, no fluid reservoir. It'll bolt right in. And you'll hate it. The steering ratio for the power box is 14:1. The ratio for the manual box, IIRC, is 24:1. How many ways can you spell "S-L-O-W"?


Coincidentally, I was discussing the steering box adjustment with the shop foreman at my dealership just a few days ago. He said he has done it on one of his vehicles, but he won't do it on a customer's vehicle and he won't let the techs in the shop do it, because there's too much chance of messing up the box permanently and he doesn't want the liability.

I figure I can work on my biceps while i'm parallel parking. :driving:


Thanks for the help!

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