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Slave Cylinder (Concentric Bearing) Doesn't Fit In Bell Housing

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Hi All,


I've replaced the master cylinder and am in the process of installing a new clutch kit and replacing the slave cylinder (concentric bearing) in my 1990 Jeep Comanche, 2.5L. The replacement slave has a big, black fitting on the end of the line that should lead to the master cylinder. The other line is a bleeder that looks normal. The black fitting doesn't just pop off (twists freely, but won't come off with plenty of force), and it has some weird metal stuff on the inside that makes me think it's a working part, not just a cap. But the line won't fit through the hole in the transmission bell housing where it's supposed to.


I'm wondering if anyone else has come across a slave that has this weird fitting, and how I can get it to fit in the bell housing. Pictures below.


slave-new-cap.jpg Here's the new slave cylinder (concentric bearing) that goes inside the bell housing.


slave-cap-close.jpg Here's a closeup inside that black fitting.


transmission-bell.jpg And in the top right there is the hole that line needs to feed through, but it's too big with th black piece.


Any help / experience with this issue would be really great. Thanks!

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I've answered my own question on this one -- or rather, the guy at NAPA did. It's a quick release fitting, and it doesn't fit in my transmission (ax-15) without being loosed and re-fitted on the other side. The clutch hydraulic line that's sold for my jeep isn't suited for the quick release fitting, either, so the solution is basically to remove the quick release with a flare-nut wrench and attach a normal hydraulic line fitting which is available for cheap at an auto-parts store.

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Hmm. It could be an AX5, I guess? I'm not sure how I thought I'd established it was an AX15. I don't really know the difference, just needed to know (and thought I'd figured it out at some point) in order to follow instructions for parts replacement. It's a five speed manual on a 2.5L, looks identical to several images returned by a google search for AX15. But similar to some returned by AX5, too. How can I tell for sure?

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I must have an AX5. The slave cylinder matches (inside diameter) the old one I'm pulling out. They're virtually identical, although the old one is ugly. The kit was ordered via NAPA for my make / model, 1990 Comanche 2.5L. The transmission with bell housing is just over 15", to Jim's comment, although there is a one inch (approximately) plate between the transmission and tail housing -- unless I'm mistaken as to what that thing is. Picture below.


Slave appears to be the right part, anyway, after removing the quick release. Thanks, all!



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Both trannies have a midplate. The AX5 midplate is cast iron, the AX15 is aluminum. OP, you have an AX5. But if you are junkyard hopping or see a trans outside the vehicle, a quick check of the midplate with a magnet will tell you which one it is.



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