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Re-curve or just get new springs

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personally i don't see the point in re curving springs. your taking weak metal, and bending it back into shape. to me it seems like it would not last near as long to have them recurved. Makes more sense in my head to buy new ones

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if you've got the budget, HellCreek's springs seem to get rave reviews. :thumbsup:


Or you if you're on a budget you could try an add-a-leaf. A long AAL designed to give 3" lift in an XJ (1.5" in an MJ) should give you a boost and a higher load capacity. (leafs advertized to give an MJ 3" have historically just been re-purposed XJ AALs so don't expect a full 3" out of them)

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I replaced my 24 year old originals with hell creeks metric ton springs and saw a 3 inch difference in lift.

Not saying the springs are good for a 3 inch lift over stock, but you might not realize how much your stock ones have sagged. Just be preparred for a little adjusting possibly

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