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Spectre for Comanche

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one thing people miss is the renix throttle body has that goofy shaped intake opening, its not just a round pipe to clamp onto.

I emailed spectre about just selling there fitting that bolts to the top of the TB, and they said no, you would have to buy the whole system. Maybe if we got enough people together we could convince them to sell just the *90.

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one thing people miss is the renix throttle body has that goofy shaped intake opening, its not just a round pipe to clamp onto.

I emailed spectre about just selling there fitting that bolts to the top of the TB, and they said no, you would have to buy the whole system. Maybe if we got enough people together we could convince them to sell just the *90.



Hesco made one for awhile, but I can't find where anyone still sells it seperatly. They still sell their kit online for like 170, all it has is this adapter, a factory 90 and a cone. It's pretty simple so my guess is the adapter they made is where most of the cost comes from. Based on what they did i bet you could get a local shop to make one pretty easy, they could make out of steel and make ti shallower.



Last one i saw was sold used here; http://www.naxja.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1085755

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  • 2 years later...

My bad from digging this up fromt he grave, but I just thought of another question about the cowl CAI mod.


What are you suppose to do to the vacuum lines? The VC breather tubes wouldnt be a problem but all the small tubes, where would they go/get routed to?


I havent seen my MJ in 2 years and I'm trading/buying my mom's MJ. She has a new engine and everything is still in OEM stage with all the hoses and tubes attached. And I havent seen this MJ either in 2 years. #Armylife

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