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It's cold in here

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Undoubtedly the best improvement/mod I've done so far.

I need to have a new pipe bent as the muffler shop got it close but no cigar where it meets the plenum, or I need to address the coupler but for now it works fine.


As I have posted before in another thread I had tons of bottom end but as I brought the RPMs up above 2000 it really began to fade and there was no pull at all above 2500 with about 1900 being my sweet spot. Well now it pulls right on through 3000rpm, she was gasping for air with the old air box.





Getting a little better mileage too, haven't measured but seemingly so.

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Yeah, I can see issues if ya live in a damp climate. It wouldnt be too good in the rain. I could get away with it for sure though. It only rains a couple times a year here and it only lasts about 10 mins!

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