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It's raining for once in TExas and my windshiel wipers will not cut off. The notches went away and they are stuck on high. So when the rain slows, my wipers still try and move. How do you get that fuse out of the block and what needs to be changed in order for me to switch settings and turn my wipers off? Thanks!

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The fact that they won't turn off is a problem likely in the switch itself. To remove the circuit breaker for the wipers just pull it off the bottom of the fuse block. Straight out.


You could also try pulling the wiper module out and reattching the two halves of the plug...you won't have intermittent wipers but it may solve the problem until you can troubleshoot the main (switch) problem.

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I had to pull my fuse which was completely rust welded in its place. I have not gotten time to crawl under m dash and unplug the box. Does anyone have instruction on getting that switch replaced? I believe this is the problem, but do to the notches being gone, could it be a rod inside the column? Thanks, JP

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Try pulling the signal/wiper stalk out to see if the the engagement notch is intact ( rotate the wiper knob ) , also look inside for broken bits . Replacement of this part is easy , the column switch replacement is a test of patience at best . I think Shebyluv did a write up on the procedure.... :cheers:

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I found the ignition lock removal write up? Is this what I will ahve to do to replace the switch?


No, what vaquaro is referring to is the multifunction switch inside the column, that's where the wiper stalk plugs into. There are many how-to writeups for this around. It's the same Saginaw column as the pre-airbag GM stuff used. But pull the wiper delay module first (if you have one) as Pete says.



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