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zj bumper on mj

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(tech or pub?) i have a trail ready winch bumper on my zj and i have been kicking around in my head of putting it on the new mj. today i was browsing around and saw a very tiny pic that muddymj had, he did the same thing. i have PM'd him but doesnt look like he is on very often. currently my zj is on loan to a buddy that want to buy it so i can't take measurements or see how similar they are etc. he say's he parked it infront of his xj and i looked to wide but I'm guessing he just wants the bumper to stay with the grand cherokee lol does anybody have info or pictures of such a thing? I'm assuming ill have to cut out the old mounting plates and make new ones but overall it doesnt sound too dificult. or is anybody good with photoshop that will do their majic.

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