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wildlife on my 4x4 trail!


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I'm stoked about it. i was driving through my only decent mudhole when i looked over in an old tread and boom, deer tracks. I'm saying its a doe and fawns but there was a set off by its self and bigger so I'm hoping buck. theres always been one coon back there and now baby tracks are showing up too. i guess they like that water hole for some reason. it is right in an area i clear cut all the smaller trees so its more open then the rest and nice and grassy. I'm going to grab a barrell feeder and primos cam from work to see whats really up. i might even grab some hose and run a line back to the hole for fresh water.


if all this pans out with deer, coons and maybe other animals in time what could i do to protect it? most of it isnt my land but ive used it for going on 17 years. its not many acres either. anywhere from at least ten to twenty five but its mostly woods. you can see the tree line in my avatar. i know the owners well and i know the wouldnt mind me doing this but id just like to keep people out from shooting them. granted if they wonder out into the open field and some tweeker is there, yeah. what can you do. id still like to raise and hunt a few though. coons mainly, deer just to look at. unless i get a lot then you know :yes:

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If you want to help wildlife then just leave them alone. That includes your watering idea and suggestion of “…unless [you] get alot, then you know".


If you really want to help, contact your local land trust and set aside a potion of your property or the development rights of your property, to benefit wildlife. Or you could contact your local HSUS office and get some suggestions on improving wildlife habitat.



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Come up to NJ with a large, enclosed trailer. Back it up to the gate at the Bristol Myer's Squibb facility in Pennington, NJ. Once a year, they round up all of the deer that have wandered into their site, and chase them along their fence line until they reach the only set of open gates, where they run out, usually in packs of 15-20. What awaits them on the other side is their imminent death from the hunters on the property, but if you want to save them and bring them down south, be my guest. All of the environmentalist blowhards have made them so protected in this area that I can't walk 100 feet without seeing a family grazing in a pasture. They're just a nuisance to me now.

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well i put out a little corn but didnt snag the camera. i fugred ill be able to tell just by the amount of traffic back there, whats all really there. either way I'm not going to stop going back there. the deer will just have to get used to me. afterall i cleaned up that whole area for wheelin'. not deer. comanche.gif




ive still got plenty of deer jerky and sausage. I'm not looking to kill these deer. more like raise. i work at a hunting lodge so ive got my pick of game to kill :thumbsup:


plus I'm no environmentalist. i kill as i see fit and cut down any tree i see fit to cut. there is a point though when enough is enough but thats far from where the eco nuts are at mentally.


Come up to NJ with a large, enclosed trailer. Back it up to the gate at the Bristol Myer's Squibb facility in Pennington, NJ. Once a year, they round up all of the deer that have wandered into their site, and chase them along their fence line until they reach the only set of open gates, where they run out, usually in packs of 15-20. What awaits them on the other side is their imminent death from the hunters on the property, but if you want to save them and bring them down south, be my guest. All of the environmentalist blowhards have made them so protected in this area that I can't walk 100 feet without seeing a family grazing in a pasture. They're just a nuisance to me now.
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