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Short shaft or Long Shaft? Clutch MC Question

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Doing the clutch MC, slave and clutch on '89 Manche with the BA10/5. I called one Chrysler/Jeep dealer who told me that the computer showed clutch MC was no longer available. Then I called a Dodge dealer that doesn't carry Jeep who said he saw it referenced in the Mopar parts system, but that it was asking whether it was the "short shaft or long shaft?" I said WTF? Never heard such a thing. Haven't seen any reference to that in any aftermarket offerings. Any ideas?

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Oreilys is where I wuld go they can get them or even an autozone can for 30$ unless ya have neither in your area. But wuld effinantly try some local parts stores. As for the long or short shaft iv never seen any questions asked like that when I was looking online or when I called to see if they had any in stock.

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  • 6 months later...

I've run into the same decision and searching issues you're dealing with. Best dealer price I've found for a Clutch Master Cylinder w/short shaft is $252. Found out it's better to get the Slave Cylinder from a dealer also and $232 is the best price I've come across.


So hamilton, what did you end up going with? Curious to find out what worked or didn't work for you.

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